
Whistleblower System Business
Practices Office. (BPO)

The Whistleblower System BPO receives reports of rule violations. It is an important element of good corporate governance.

Only when rules and standards are complied with we can avoid causing damage to our company, our staff and our business partners. Compliance with the law and internal regulations is a high priority for the Mercedes-Benz Group. Misconduct must therefore be identified early. In order to investigate severe violations in a fair and appropriate manner, we set up the Whistleblower System Business Practices Office (BPO) in 2006. The BPO enables employees and external whistleblowers to report violations anywhere in the world.

Violations posing a high risk include, for example, offenses relating to corruption, breaches of antitrust law and violations of anti-money laundering regulations, as well as violations of binding technical provisions or violations in connection with environmental regulations or human rights.

Mercedes-Benz Group encourages anyone inside or outside the company who observes violations in connection with the company or suspects such violations for concrete reasons to contact the BPO without fear of retaliation and to express the information openly.

Whistleblowers who report possible violations on the basis of concrete indications are protected by the company. The confidentiality of such statements is guaranteed. Employees who feel they have suffered disadvantages as a result of them reporting a violation are protected by the BPO. Discrimination or intimidation of an employee for reporting a violation is itself a violation of our Integrity Code and results in disciplinary actions under labor law. Whistleblowers should disclose their identity so they can be asked questions that may be helpful to the investigation. If a whistleblower requests his or her identity not to be disclosed to other parties within the company, this request will be complied with.

A globally applicable Group policy governs the BPO procedure and the corresponding responsibilities. Its aim is to ensure a fair and transparent procedure that takes into account both the principle of proportionality for the person concerned and the protection of the whistleblower. The policy also sets out the standards by which we assess violations and decide on consequences.

The Whistleblower System BPO receives reports of rule violations.
The Whistleblower System BPO receives reports of rule violations.

Information about possible violations is processed transparently and always confidentially by the BPO within the procedure described below: